Salt Lake City Call for Papers extended until February 21, 2022

Posted on: February 2nd, 2022 by Olli Turunen
Modified from Garrett from Salt Lake City, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons, <,_2011.jpg>

The Economic and Business History Society annual conference will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah, on May 18-22, 2022, and invites submissions to the conference committee on the theme of Recoveries in Economic and Business History. The conference committee will also consider papers that do not address this theme for the conference but that engage topics concerned with economic and business history widely construed.

Continuing from the success of the virtual conference in 2021, and the particular success of the mentorship workshops, EBHS will again be organizing workshop mentorship opportunities. These will be available for both early-career scholars and also mid-career scholars. Furthermore, EBHS will also be re-launching an innovative mentor matching program, for select scholars who would like to receive guidance in a sustained way beyond the actual conference.

The conference hotel is the Salt Lake City Marriott at University Park. Accommodation will be available to delegates at the preferential conference rate of $115 per night plus taxes. The conference presentations will be held at the conference hotel. There will be a plenary lecture on Friday 20 May, where Professor Susie Porter from the Department of History at the University of Utah will give a talk on her latest book, From Angel to Office Worker: Middle-Class Identity and Female Consciousness in Mexico, 1890-1950.

The program chair is Dr. Mitch Larson, email Proposals should include an abstract of no more than 500 words and contact details. The extended deadline for submissions is February 21, 2022. The Program Chair intends to send notifications of acceptance by the end of February. For submissions received by February 1 (original deadline), notifications will be sent by February 20, 2022.

Full Call for Papers and online paper submission are available on the conference website.

Best Paper Prizes at EBHS 2021 awarded to Papathanassiou, Dhar and Frost

Posted on: September 20th, 2021 by Olli Turunen

The 2021 Fred Bateman Award for best paper at the annual EBHS Conference was awarded to Chryssa Papathanassiou, European Central Bank, for Evidence of finance leasing in the ancient mines of Laureion. An SSRN version is available here.

The 2021 Lynne Doti Award for best paper by a graduate student at the annual EBHS Conference was awarded jointly  to Jay Dhar, University of Arizona, and Adam K. Frost, Harvard University. Dhar’s paper was The Impact of Last-Mile Road Access on the Diffusion of Automobiles and Motortrucks on American Farms. Frost’s awarded paper was “Speculation and Profiteering” Entrepreneurship in Socialist China.

EBHS Announcement of Diversity and Inclusion Fund and Request for Donations

Posted on: September 19th, 2021 by Olli Turunen

The Trustees of the Economic and Business History Society recognize that black lives matter and affirm our commitment to mutual respect and social justice for all. As an organization, we recognize that our own track record in terms of racial diversity leaves much to be desired. We pride ourselves on our inclusion of different fields and methods, our geographic and political diversity, and our collegiality, but we still have much to do to diversify our organization.

Real action requires work, resources, and willpower. The EBHS commits itself to realizing the ideals of equality and justice for all. The Board of Trustees has recently approved and created a Diversity and Inclusion Fund which will provide financial support to diverse graduate students and early career scholars to attend our annual meetings. To help seed such funds, the Board has authorized a seed fund of $1,000 from the Society’s holdings to start the fund. The Board of Trustees and the Diversity and Inclusion Committee respectively ask for donations to the fund to help create a solid financial base from which we can provide a consistent number of grants that can have a real and meaningful impact on the academic success of scholars at the beginning of their careers. To do so, please click here:

Or you may mail a check to:

John Moore
2119 Van Antwerp
Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236
United States

On behalf of the Board of Trustees and the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, thank you!