Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Salt Lake City 2022 – The First EBHS Live Conference Since 2019

Posted on: May 11th, 2022 by Olli Turunen

EBHS’ first live conference since the beginning of the global pandemic will kick off on Wednesday, May 18. After one cancellation and one online conference, the EBHS is happy to be back in business. The program for the 2022 conference is available here.

EBHS Salt Lake City submissions accepted until February 25, 2022

Posted on: February 21st, 2022 by EBHS
Modified from Garrett from Salt Lake City, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons, <,_2011.jpg>

Due to a website problem with new user registrations at the end of the Call, we are keeping our submission system for the Salt Lake City 2022 conference open a few more days. You are welcome to submit a paper or panel online or by email until Friday, February 25.

To submit a paper or panel, please visit or email

EBHS 2020 Atlanta Cancelled

Posted on: March 16th, 2020 by Olli Turunen

Dear EBHS participants and guests,

I am writing to inform you that, with regret, the Board of Trustees of the Economic and Business History Society (EBHS) have decided to cancel the EBHS annual conference in Atlanta that was scheduled to be held 28-30 May 2020.

The pandemic Coronavirus Covid19 has led to significant restrictions on international travel and has serious potential health implications for conference attendees and, indeed, for society more widely. Under these circumstances, holding the annual conference is, as we are sure you can imagine, completely impractical. We apologise for the inconvenience that this may cause.

If you have already registered and paid for the Atlanta conference via the EBHS website, we will be working over the next few days to refund registration fees.

The EBHS conference in 2021 is going to be held in Porto, Portugal. We have arranged with the incoming President and Program Chair for Porto 2021 that your accepted paper for this year’s conference has been automatically accepted for Porto 2021. There will, of course, be scope for submitting additional or alternative papers in the normal way when the CFP opens later this year.

If you have any queries or questions in relation to this, please email the President of the EBHS at:

We are very disappointed that we have had to cancel this year’s conference, but we hope to see you at EBHS Porto in 2021.

With best wishes,

Simon Mollan (President) and Craig McMahon (Program Chair)
16 March 2020