Archive for the ‘Conference’ Category

YSI-EBHS Doctoral Workshop, 26 June, 2024

Posted on: February 13th, 2024 by Olli Turunen No Comments
EBHS-YSI Workshop Promo

The Young Scholars Initiative (YSI), in collaboration with the Economic and Business History Society (EBHS) and the University of York School for Business and Society, will hold a doctoral workshop for about 8 doctoral students on Wednesday, 26 June at the University of York. The aim of this one-day workshop is to support the career and research development as well as networking of new scholars in the fields of economic and business history, broadly conceived. The workshop will include paper development presentations by doctoral students, followed by feedback and discussion with the leadership of the EBHS, as well as mentorship panels on academic publishing, the academic job-market, and career development in economic and business history.

If selected for participation, doctoral students will receive:

  • financial support for travel to and from York;
  • accommodation for Tuesday, 25 June and Wednesday, 26 June;
  • free registration and automatic paper acceptance for the EBHS conference (those already accepted to present at EBHS are also encouraged to apply).

The workshop is open to applications from doctoral students across the world undertaking a PhD in the fields of economic and business history, broadly conceived. This includes research in management, financial, labor, legal, and social history, including the history of capitalism and economic thought. The EBHS is committed to diversity and inclusion, and we especially encourage applications from doctoral students from underrepresented groups.

Applications should be received no later than 15 March, 2024. Applications will be considered by the YSI organizers and leadership of the EBHS. If you have already submitted an abstract for the EBHS Conference in York you may still apply for this doctoral workshop and are encouraged to do so. Please note that if you attended the YSI-EBHS doctoral workshops in Porto in May 2023 or Salt Lake City in May 2022, you are eligible to apply for the 2024 workshop.

Deadline for submissions: Friday, 15 March, 2024
Notification of outcome of applications: Friday, 12 April, 2024
Deadline for submission of draft working paper: Friday, 10 June, 2024
Date of Workshop: Wednesday, 26 June, 2024


To apply, please fill out our application form here and submit the following as a single PDF:

  • Your working paper abstract (max 300 words, excluding references)
  • An academic CV, clearly indicating your institution, department, field of study, thesis project title, year of doctoral study, and academic qualifications.

Please send any queries to Conrad Jacober, Heidi Hirvonen, and Claire Steele at

Final Call for Submissions, Deadline Friday 9 February 2024

Posted on: February 5th, 2024 by Olli Turunen No Comments
EBHS 2024 Conference Promo
York, UK. Dmitrij M, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons. Cropped and edited.

Joint 49th Economic and Business History Society Annual Conference and Association of Business Historians Conference
York, UK, 27 to 29 June 2024

In addition to our Call for Papers below, we are pleased to announce that our keynote speaker for the Conference will be Dr Susie Pak from St. John’s University, USA.


The joint 49th Economic and Business History Society annual conference and Association of Business Historians conference 2024 will be held in York, UK, from 27 to 29 June 2024 and invites submissions to the conference committee on the theme of ‘Connections’ in Economic and Business History.

Building on the themes of the previous conference of EBHS, with Building Bridges, and ABH, looking at Business History beyond the discipline, our theme of Connections aims to continue these important discussions towards the development of both disciplines. This embraces not just the connection at the conference between the two societies, but also the connections between economic and business history, and other associated strands of history including organisational, financial, banking, social, labour and management history. We also invite participants to consider the theme of connections in business and economic history, examining the historical relationships between a multitude of actors and phenomena, including people, entrepreneurs, firms, governments, clusters, knowledge, and also between geographically distant actors. We also welcome papers on any aspect of economic or business history, and proposals for full panels of three papers.

We look forward to welcoming delegates to York in 2024, a city “with Roman roots and a Viking past, offering an adventure for everyone”. The conference venue will be York St John University, just outside of the historic York city walls and in the shadow of the famous York Minster, with associated events taking place in walking distance of the main conference venue. The conference venue is also ideally placed in relation to transportation links, with the railway station a short walk from York St John. York is also well connected for rail transport from major airports including those in London and Manchester.

The President of EBHS for the 2024 Conference/ABH Conference organiser is Dr Chris Corker ( Proposals should be submitted via the conference website ( and include:

• The title of the presentation.
• An abstract of no more than 500 words.
• Contact details for each presenter.

The submission point is now open at the above website address and the deadline has been extended to 9 February 2024. The Program Committee intend to send notifications of acceptance as soon as possible once the deadline has passed.

All questions and queries regarding the conference should be directed to Chris Corker at

Submission system bug fixed

Posted on: January 17th, 2024 by EBHS No Comments

The annoying “critical error” bug shown after paper and panel submissions has been fixed. Despite the error message, the submitted papers and panels were properly saved. Our apologies for the inconvenience.

You can check your submission(s) by logging in to the system.