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Special Issue Call for Papers: The Economic and Business History of Black Americans

Posted on: April 9th, 2021 by EBHS
Essays in Economic and Business History


Special Issue of Essays in Economic & Business History (EEBH)

Special Issue Guest Editors: Gary Hoover+ (Tulane University) and Matthew Mitchellā€” (University of the

EEBH Editors: Mark Billings (University of Exeter) and Dan Giedeman (Grand Valley State University)

EEBH, the journal of the Economic and Business History Society (EBHS), will be publishing a special issue on the economic and business history of Black Americans. This subject remains significantly understudied despite its importance in United States history. The primary goal of the special issue is therefore to encourage and bring greater awareness to research concerning Black American economic and business history. It is hoped that the special issue will stimulate continued research in these areas. We invite paper proposals on all aspects related to this subject. The following potential themes are suggested to indicate the breadth of possible topics, but we do not expect proposals to be limited to these:

  • Black American entrepreneurs/entrepreneurship/innovation/business networks
  • Black-owned businesses/businesses serving Black communities
  • Black Americans in business leadership/management/the professions/economic policy-making
  • Economic, occupational and social inequality/mobility
  • African American slavery
  • Economic effects of/responses to Jim Crow, redlining, discriminatory labor practices, or other forms of economic or financial discrimination
  • The Great Migration

Please submit paper proposal abstracts of no more than 500 words by July 15, 2021 to Dan Giedeman ( Abstracts should include the corresponding authorā€™s email and affiliation. Please put ā€œEEBH Special Issueā€ in the subject heading of your submission email. Please indicate in your submission the primary discipline with which your paper is associated (e.g. economics, history, etc.), and the expected topic, argument, methodology, sources, and contribution. Abstracts will be assessed by the special issue guest editors along with the editors of EEBH. Authors will be notified by September 1, 2021 regarding the acceptance or rejection of their abstract. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit full papers no later than March 1, 2022. Please note that the acceptance of an abstract does not necessarily imply the acceptance of the full paper for the special issue. All full paper submissions will go through the standard double-blind review process for papers submitted to EEBH. If you have any questions, please contact Gary Hoover (, Matthew Mitchell (, or Dan Giedeman (

Important Dates and Timetable
01 April 2021: Initial Call for Papers
15 July 2021: Deadline for receipt of proposals
01 September 2021: Papers are commissioned
01 March 2022: Deadline for receipt of first draft manuscripts and sent to first round external refereeing
30 April 2022: Distribution of refereesā€™ and editorial reports
May 2022: Optional one-day workshop (in-person and virtual) in conjunction with EBHS Conference
01 September 2022: Deadline for submission of second draft manuscripts
15 November 2022: Distribution of refereesā€™ and editorial reports
31 January 2023: Deadline for submission of final revised manuscripts
Mid-2023: Publication of special issue

Author Guidance Notes
1. Articles should be based upon original research and/or innovative analysis.
2. The main findings of the research and analysis should not have been published elsewhere.
3. Authors are encouraged to attend the May 2022 workshop if possible. The editorial team will provide
advice and direction to authors. The editors also view the workshop as a way to create greater cohesion
across papers and to provide networking opportunities for participants.

+ Dr. Gary Hoover is the Executive Director of the Murphy Institute at Tulane University and the Co-Chair of the American Economic Associationā€™s Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in the Economics Profession.

ā€” Dr. Matthew Mitchell is an Associate Professor of History at the University of the South. His most recent book, The Prince of Slavers: Humphry Morice and the Transformation of Britain’s Transatlantic Slave Trade, 1698-1732, was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2020.

Now in its 39th year of publication, EEBH is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal published by the EBHS. EEBH has a rank of ā€œ2ā€ on the Chartered Association of Business Schoolsā€™ Academic Journal Guide and a rank of ā€œBā€ on the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Quality List. The journal is supported by the EBHS and Grand Valley State University. It is completely open-access and requires no fees of any kind from authors or readers. EEBH can be found online here:

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